
The Just City Lab investigates the definition of urban justice and the just city and examines how design and planning contribute to conditions of justice and injustice in cities, neighborhoods and the public realm. Professor Toni L. Griffin and her team of research assistants have produced The Just City Index, Just City Indicators for the Public Realm, tools for civic engagement, design case studies and offer masterclasses and workshops on designing for justice.

At the Just City Lab, we ask: Would we design better places if we put the values of equality, inclusion or equity first? If a community articulated what it stood for, what it believed in, what it aspired to be — as a city, as a neighborhood — would it have a better chance of creating and sustaining more healthy, vibrant place with positive, economic, health, civic, cultural and environmental conditions? Imagine that the issues of race, income, education and unemployment inequality, and the resulting segregation, isolation and fear, could be addressed by planning and designing for greater access, agency, ownership, beauty, diversity or empowerment. Now imagine the Just City: the cities, neighborhoods and public spaces that thrive using a value-based approach to urban stabilization, revitalization and transformation. Imagine a set of values that would define a community’s aspiration for the Just City. Imagine we can assign metrics to measure design's impact on justice. Imagine we can use these findings to deploy interventions that minimize conditions of injustice.





The Just City Lab investigates the definition of urban justice and the just city and examines how design and planning contribute to conditions of justice and injustice in cities, neighborhoods and the public realm. Professor Toni L. Griffin and her team of research assistants have produced The Just City Index, Just City Indicators for the Public Realm, tools for civic engagement, design case studies and offer masterclasses and workshops on designing for justice.


The Just City Lab has produced several publications that invite readers to discuss and debate the possibility of a Just City; review findings and learn to use metrics that help to document the presence of public life and urban justice in public space in New York City; and see how students grabble with issues of urban justice when designing for neighborhood change and preservation in Rotterdam, Netherlands.


Visions for a more Just City, as well as how people experience justice and injustice, can be quite different. Watch and listen to some of these voices through our Perspectives on the Just City project, talks given by funder Toni L. Griffin, and a collection of student Manifestos on the Just City.


Our goal at the Just City Lab is to make a case for design’s role in addressing social and spatial justice through design. Through interviews with designers from around the world, we have developed over ten case studies that explore how just city values are used in design projects to create more just cities.


The Just City Lab hosts convening, masterclass, and workshops that promote the principles of a Just City and builds capacity for communities to develop their own definition and approaches to urban justice through design.


The Just City Index is a framework of 50 values to be used as a tool for communities to establish their own definition and principles for what make each city or neighborhood more just. To define your Just City, explore the Index and our set of engagement tools.